Jane M. Guyette, Transformational Nutrition Coach |
I had my 3rd round of chemo February 22nd-24th. As chemo side-effects are cumulative (meaning they get worse over time rather than better), it's no wonder this round was more difficult than the first two. I've been concerned about my nausea and lack of appetite, feeling I'm not getting the nutrients I need to detoxify from the chemo and eradicate the tumor that's metastasized to my liver. About a month before the chemo started, I'd already drastically changed my diet, including morning juicing and eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. Since the chemo started, it's been very difficult to keep up with these healthy cancer-fighting habits. So I reached out today to my cancer coach, Jane Guyette, and she gave me some very worthwhile and comforting advise.
Whether you're going through chemo treatments yourself or caretaking someone who is, you might also benefit from what Jane and I discussed. My questions are in italics and precede Jane's answers, indented for ease in reading.